How To Work Less And Get More Done

Some people have an uncanny ability to get things done. They keep their nights and weekends sacred and still get more done than people who work 10 or 20 hours more per week than they do. A new study from Stanford shows that they are on to something.

To Become A Successful Business Person; A Solid Daily Routine Is A Most

Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” A life without a positive daily routine or structure is so much more draining mentally, physically, and emotionally than you can ever imagine!

Bitcoin: What Is It, and Is It Right for Your Business?

OK, so what's Bitcoin? It's not an actual coin, it's "cryptocurrency," a digital form of payment that is produced ("mined") by lots of people worldwide.

8 Golden Success Secrets for Businesses

Running a small business is as challenging as trekking to Mt. Everest without having oxygen cylinder, prior practice, and a valid map guide. The challenges are only because there are no authentic rules that can lead a small business towards success while other major obstacles comprise:

Etihad launches 'fly now pay later' scheme, fare to be paid in installments

The UAE's flag carrier Etihad Airways has launched a 'fly now and pay later' scheme, which provides people an option of paying the ticket fare in monthly installments, the airline said.

Sunday 1 October 2017

Etihad launches 'fly now pay later' scheme, fare to be paid in installments

The UAE's flag carrier Etihad Airways has launched a 'fly now and pay later' scheme, which provides people an option of paying the ticket fare in monthly installments, the airline said.

The Abu Dhabi-based airline said the initiative is designed to allow families to book flights with convenience as payment plans have been tailored to meet their requirements.

Etihad Airways is the first in the Gulf region to offer fully automated online installment plans after partnering with PayFort, a leading online payment service provider in the Arab world, the airline said in a statement.

To participate, travelers need to select the 'Pay by Installment' option, choose their bank they have a credit card with and their payment period while making an online payment on the airline's website.

The installments can be paid within three to 60 months, with 17 participating banks, it said.

The airline's Vice President Digital Strategy and Innovation Justin Warby said: "We understand travel can be a significant expense, especially for families and those on a tight budget, so this new initiative is a great way for people to book and enjoy their travel without having to worry about paying in one large sum.

"When we were designing this product, we were really looking at how we can assist those low to medium income travelers and families, but of course, spreading the payment over a period of months is also a great way to indulge in Etihad Airways' famous premium cabins".

As of now, the offer is available only to the residents in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, the company added.

Wednesday 30 August 2017


How to turn prospects to clients

With a good marketing program you are assured of creating many prospects. But all prospects do not—and should not—convert to clients.
Here are tips to help you convert prospects into clients.

Take Action Immediately
Not immediately following up with prospects causes them to go cold. Then you are right back where you started. Some prospects will likely forget meeting you. Or, they may think you are not interested in serving them. Furthermore, your response time to a lead’s request is an indication of your response time when he is a client. So take action quickly when you receive a telephone inquiry, a trade-show lead, a referral, or other lead.

Focus on Referrals
Referred prospects are the most valuable. When you receive a referred lead, the selling has already been done. If you act quickly on referred leads, it will reflect well on your source, and he will be inclined to refer you again. If you delay on a referred lead or handle it poorly, don’t expect to receive any further leads from your valuable referrer.

Evaluate the Lead
Some follow-up on every lead is a good idea. You want to separate the suspects from the prospects. Evaluating the lead will enable you to follow up more quickly with the better prospects. Ask the lead or the referral source about problems, needs and wants, the decision process, and his or her ability to pay your fees. Ask these questions as early in the process as you can.

Have a Follow-up Plan
An automatic follow-up system will make it easy for you to follow up in the same way every time. Set aside a definite time for contacting and courting a new prospect. Unless you set aside time in your calendar, you may have trouble fitting it in. Prospect value can dissipate rapidly. If you are fully booked, fire off a letter or call the lead to set a specific time to meet.

Add the Prospect to a Mail List
Every professional should have a marketing database. When you obtain a lead, the information should be permanently recorded in your database. “A” prospects should receive regular and personal attention, whereas “C” prospects can be handled by mail. (Handling of “B” prospects can depend on your load.)

Give the Prospect to Someone Else
If you cannot follow up the prospect, or if the lead is of little interest to you, give it to someone else in your firm. Selling is a team effort. Ask your designee to keep you informed as to the progress of the prospect. Offer to help when the prospect gets close to closing.

A pipeline full of good prospects is critical to the steady growth of a firm. A full pipeline enables you to be selective and to follow up with the best leads.

Saturday 26 August 2017

Google and Walmart; Great Partnership

Google and Walmart; Great Partnership
The partnership announced between Google and Walmart is the strongest step yet to prevent Amazon from becoming the dominant voice platform in people’s homes. It’s a win-win for both companies: Google supplies the infrastructure while Walmart supplies the products.

Google still in the retail game
Google has attempted to fend of Amazon’s growing share of product searches by integrating more into the path to purchase, including last mile delivery with Google Express, but without much impact. Google Express floundered in 2015 and Amazon’s product search share continually grows. With Walmart as a partner, Google benefits not only from Walmart’s product catalogue, but also its strong motivation to keep pace with Amazon and its expertise in retail--it’s not a coincidence that Google Express’ annual fee was eliminated as well.

Full Integration
This is not a trial. This is a full integration.  Walmart will have the largest product catalogue on Google Assistant. Shoppers will be able to have access to Easy Reorder on Google Express to easily reorder past purchases made in store and online.
But the big moves will come next year when in store pick up (often with a discount) and the ability to purchase fresh groceries go live. Walmart’s dominance in stores and groceries are advantages over Amazon. However, their strength has weakened a bit since Amazon purchased Whole Foods this summer.

The stakes are high
Both companies understand the stakes are high as voice commerce starts gaining traction among consumers. Now is the time to compete to avoid a winner take all scenario in voice commerce and that winner is looking like Amazon. The success of both companies’ foray into voice commerce is dependent on the perfect execution of this partnership.

Friday 18 August 2017

What I learnt about successful people

What I learnt about successful people

What I learnt about successful people prompted me to take a moment to reflect upon how they had gotten to this point, and the lessons I learnt along the way about what it really takes to achieve success. Here’s what I realized:

1. Your career progression is not limited by your background or education
It was reported that some of the most successful entrepreneurs’ like Bill Gate founder of Microsoft and Mark Zuckerberg founder of Facebook and many other successful entrepreneur are either college or university dropouts.  Then I realized a degree isn’t all what is required to lead anyone down the right career path. Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates have no A-levels, and before starting a career in his Facebook and Microsoft respectively.
So, to be candid, when it comes to career success, your background doesn’t need to matter, neither does your education. What matters more is your potential, your ability to recognize that potential, and your level of proactivity in finding out how to really fulfill it.

2. Success comes as a result of hard work and effort
In any walk of life, if you want to become successful, you have to be prepared to work hard for it. This sounds obvious, and everybody believe this in theory, but not everyone is willing to practice it.  A wise man once said success is no accident, it is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do that guarantee success.
You will be guaranteed a success without a doubt if you put in an extra effort if you put in an extra hours and effort to research, learn, practice and be sure to maintain those routine of going an extra mile to get the required result. With this your carrier will never lose momentum and you will grow from strength to strength. When you put a lot of hard work into one goal and you achieve it, that’s a really good feeling because you don’t get anything in life without hard work!

3. Knowledge is power (and breeds success)
I you a part of the category of people that didn’t take much interest in politics, business or current events, and as a result you have limited knowledge of the world around you. You wouldn’t be able to contribute to conversations, and you wouldn’t be able to form or express opinions and you will lack confidence in communicating.
Therefore, to become successful in a business environment, you need to gain knowledge of the world around you, especially within your field or industry. It’s simple – read the news daily, check out relevant blogs on social media and pick up industry magazines. Make this a habit.
An even simpler but incredibly effective approach towards building your knowledge is to always be inquisitive and ask lots of questions – you’ll soon learn what you need to know, and it will stick. Your inquisitive mind shouldn’t ever be discouraged, no matter how senior you get. Remember – true experts always learn.

4. Successful individuals lift people up instead of stepping on them to get to the top
Research shows that most influential managers are the most amazing role model when it came to leading people and developing a positive culture. They made their employee feel good about themselves; they make work fun and had faith in everybody’s abilities. And the less influential managers are the complete opposite – they ruled with fear and spent most of their time trying to catch people out for doing the wrong thing
Great managers are the ones that always support and develop their employee. They know that having good people beneath them who feel motivated, positive and empowered to do their jobs, and do their jobs well, makes their lives easier and contributes to the organizations’ on-going success. As a result, they try to do the same-encouraging, motivating and developing their team members. This makes for a more productive, fruitful and positive working environment. It also means that they can continue to progress and take on more responsibility.

5. Success is a journey – celebrate the wins and more will follow
Successful people have goals and ambitions. They have clear ideas of what they want and where they want to be, and they have a plan on how to get there. They dream big and set goals along the way, and they always celebrate when they reach these milestones.
If you want to be successful, imagine what you want to achieve, consider how you’ll get there and set yourself realistic and measurable goals. Don’t lose track of the end goal, but be mindful that you won’t get there overnight. Be patient.

6. Successful people ask themselves “what’s next?” but not at the expense of recognizing where they are and what they’ve achieved
If you’ve been guilty in the past of being promoted and immediately thinking to yourself “right, what’s next?” Whilst there’s nothing wrong with being ambitious, you can recognize that this kind of thinking can result in you placing too much pressure on yourself, meaning you don’t always celebrate or give yourself credit for your most recent achievement. Just like in professional sport, you need to give yourself some time to recover before you start working towards your next goal.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Basic Steps to Start-up A New Business

Basic Steps to Start-up A New Business

A lot of people think that starting a business is difficult and that it requires large amount of capital. A lot of would-be-entrepreneurs get stuck early in the process because they think that only a certain type of person has that quality and what it takes to become a successful business owner. The reality is, that most of the people have what it takes: a good idea, the right amount of capital and the creativity.

But what most of the people lack, is patience, determination and the ability to plan. A business owner can easily become overwhelmed in the early stages of starting a business and the key to it is that the business owner is required to have working plan and he must stick to it. Thus a business owner must use something simple which guide him.

Bellow are the key steps to follow to start a new business:

1. Take time to brainstorm

An idea is always great, but a business owner is required to give it legs. But The first essential step which every business owner must follow is that he must research his potential market. His job as a new entrepreneur and a future business owner is to think about every aspect of his business. Come up with answers to every question which either a stranger or a potential investor might ask the business owner. For example try to find answer these questions:

Who is the target market for the product?

What could go wrong and how will the business owner solve it?

Are there additional products or services that the business owner could tie into his main offering?

What are the main things which a business owner wants his customers to know about him?

By preparing answers to these questions ahead of time, the business owner would become a more confident and a trustworthy business owner when it comes to trying to attract the attention of the right stakeholders.

2. The business owner must create a business plan

After the business owner has taken the time to answer the questions about his business or the product idea, he must use them to put together a concrete business plan.

The main parts of a business plan include the executive summary, a company description (as to what makes the company unique), a market analysis (the competition and the target demographics), the company's structure, a description of the service or the product line, the marketing and the sales strategy, its financial projections -- plus any other additional useful information.

3. The business owner is required to surf for the start-up funds that are required
A business owner can't start a business without capital. He is required to determine what he has, what he will need and how he will fund the business. If he plans to seek investors to fund or finance it, he is required to start writing a business plan. he must Research the costs that are associated with his business. He must Know how much money he will need and decide where it could come from.

4. Cconsult or Hire a good business attorney

The businessman is not necessarily required to have need an attorney on a retainer. An attorney can advise the businessman about things such as drafting of contracts, reviewing business owner's lease and determining the right business structure. However, the best way to find a good attorney is either by referral or through networking.

5. The business owner is then required to hire a good accountant

An accountant will work in conjunction with the attorney and they will play an instrumental role in determining the best form of ownership. The accountant can also help the owner to establish bookkeeping and other record keeping procedures which the business owner is required to keep on track for years.

6. Decide on a Suitable business structure

The business owner has a lot of choices which include sole proprietorship, partnership, Private Limited Company or Limited Liability Partnership. The Personal liabilities, taxes, paperwork and regulations vary greatly among the different legal business structures. The business owner's attorney and accountant help to play a key role in assisting him in this important decision.

7. Decide on a business name

It seems obvious and simple, but the name is how the business will be known to the world. The right name says a lot about the business. The business owner must make a list of all the potential names and he must then narrow the list down to the one that best describes the company in a few words, while being catchy, easy to remember, easy to pronounce and easy to spell. The business owner must also consider how it would translate to a web domain name.

8. Get all necessary permits and licenses

Along with a business license, the business owner is also required to get additional licenses depending on the type of business and local laws. Many professionals, such as contractors and real estate agents, are required to licensed in the states in which they work. Additionally, he may need licenses to manufacture and/or sell specific products such as liquor, firearms or even lottery tickets and these licenses might be Import Export Code, Fssai License and so on. The business owner must thus Research all the licenses that are applicable in his state. It's also extremely important to know the zoning laws before the business owner opens a business.

Whether the business is a day or a year old, the business owner or a would be business owner must continuously set goals in order to move his business forward. He must Examine the competition, employees, investors and peers which helps him decide what new goals are needed to be set and what needs to happen in order to be successful.

Thursday 3 August 2017

Every startup founders should understand Crowdfunding

 Every startup founders should understand Crowdfunding

Most people have heard about cryptocurrencies. Some have heard about ICOs. Few actually understand them. This post will tell you why ICOs are important news for startup founders. It will tell you how it all began and why the crowd is the best investor. In the process, you will learn about a prodigy of our time and see what communist regimes did wrong. In the end, founders have gotten a new tool for fund raising. Use it.

In 1997, a new era began.
For the first time ever, a rock band asked their fans to fund their upcoming tour. The fans went online and pledged $60,000. The press called it crowdfunding.

A decade later, crowdfunding would fund everything from paintings to high tech gadgets. In 2012, a dock for iPhones became the first project to raise more than $1 million on Kickstarter. Still, the biggest breakthrough was yet to come.

Crowdfunding mainly benefitted physical products. This makes sense, because physical products have tangible value. In comparison, software hadn't benefitted much. It was simply too hard to define what backers were pre-paying for. But that was about to change.

In 2013, a Russian prodigy named Vitalik Buterin made history. He designed a completely new Blockchain named Ethereum. It would prove to become a breakthrough in crowdfunding. Vitalik was 19 years old.
Ethereum makes it easy for developers to create new cryptocoins. And that is immensely important because cryptocoins solves the biggest problem about crowdfunding software.

Cryptocoins allows software projects to provide a tangible asset to backers. The projects can mint digital coins that represent a specific value. A simple example would be a coin that can buy a song in a music app. Anyone wanting a song could buy the coin. If enough people buy the coins, the founders have enough money to build the app. That’s called crowdfunding.
But that’s not all. If the backer no longer wants the coin, he can sell the coin someone else with a click of a button.
Already, ICOs have outpaced VC funding. And it's just getting started. I am about to tell you why.

The key to successful investing

Investing is fundamentally about information. The information investors need is this: How big will the demand be?
If you can assess how many people will use a new product, you also know how much to invest in the project.
How accurate you can assess the demand depends on how close the investor is to the demand. In other words, to the users.

The communist experiments of the 1950s show the consequences of making investment decisions too far from the demand. At the time, Moscow and Beijing decided how much food farmers should grow. But the communist elite had little feel for the true need. Economists call it: misallocation of resources. The consequences were catastrophic.

VCs exist because they have better feel for the demand for tech products than the big pension funds. In theory, VCs have superior information and can make better investment decisions.
However, there is a group with an even better feel for the demand. And that’s the users. They are the ultimate source of information because they are the demand side.

Why ICOs are great news for founders

Crowdfunding allows users to vote for products they want with their money. In aggregate, users are the ultimate investor and allocator of resources. If 100 backers need a product, the project receives exactly the right amount of funding to fulfill the demand.

For many software startups, the invention of cryptocoins is heaven sent. Most founders spent an enormous amount of time and effort to convince VCs that they have a market. Sometimes they succeed, but the investor takes a risk premium. The risk premium is unfair terms. Like milestones, liquidity preferences and downside protection.

But thanks to a young Russian prodigy, software startups can do what artists and gadget-makers have been doing for the past five years. To raise funding directly from users. And because users don’t have to guess the demand, they also don’t require risk premiums. The money comes without a nasty set of legal documents and a rigid due diligence.

Luckily, many have already taken advantage. As of this writing, software projects have raised more than $1 billion through ICOs. And many more will follow.
Many critics will point to fraudulent and overhyped projects. All of that is true. But that always happens in the early days of great innovations.

In time, ICOs will mature and software founders will finally have an alternative to the exhausting VC pitches.
At Accelerace, we will do our best to help founders take advantage.

Monday 24 July 2017

How To Work Less And Get More Done

How To Work Less And Get More Done
Some people have an uncanny ability to get things done. They keep their nights and weekends sacred and still get more done than people who work 10 or 20 hours more per week than they do.
A new study from Stanford shows that they are on to something.
The study found that productivity per hour declines sharply when the workweek exceeds 50 hours, and productivity drops off so much after 55 hours that there’s no point in working any more. That’s right, people who work as much as 70 hours (or more) per week actually get the same amount done as people who work 55 hours.

“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.” -William Penn
Smart people know the importance of shifting gears on the weekend to relaxing and rejuvenating activities. They use their weekends to create a better week ahead.
This is easier said than done, so here’s some help. The following are some things that you can do to find balance on the weekend and come into work at 110% on Monday morning.

1. Disconnect. Disconnecting is the most important weekend strategy, because if you can’t find a way to remove yourself electronically from your work Friday evening through Monday morning, then you’ve never really left work. Making yourself available to your work 24/7 exposes you to a constant barrage of stressors that prevent you from refocusing and recharging. If taking the entire weekend off handling work e-mails and calls isn’t realistic, try designating specific times on Saturday and Sunday for checking e-mails and responding to voicemails. For example, check your messages on Saturday afternoon while your kids are getting a haircut and on Sunday evenings after dinner. Scheduling short blocks of time will alleviate stress without sacrificing availability.

2. Minimize chores. Chores have a funny habit of completely taking over your weekends. When this happens, you lose the opportunity to relax and reflect. What’s worse is that a lot of chores feel like work, and if you spend all weekend doing them, you just put in a seven-day workweek. To keep this from happening, you need to schedule your chores like you would anything else during the week, and if you don’t complete them during the allotted time, you move on and finish them the following weekend.

3. Exercise. No time to exercise during the week? You have 48 hours every weekend to make it happen. Getting your body moving for as little as 10 minutes releases GABA, a soothing neurotransmitter that reduces stress. Exercise is also a great way to come up with new ideas. Innovators and other successful people know that being outdoors often sparks creativity. I know that a lot of my best ideas come to me while I’m surfing. While you’re out in the ocean, the combination of invigorating activity and beautiful scenery creates the perfect environment for an influx of creativity. Whether you’re running, cycling, or gardening, exercise leads to endorphin-fueled introspection. The key is to find a physical activity that does this for you and then to make it an important part of your weekend routine.

4. Reflect. Weekly reflection is a powerful tool for improvement. Use the weekend to contemplate the larger forces that are shaping your industry, your organization, and your job. Without the distractions of Monday to Friday busy work, you should be able to see things in a whole new light. Use this insight to alter your approach to the coming week, improving the efficiency and efficacy of your work.

5. Pursue a passion. You might be surprised what happens when you pursue something you’re passionate about on weekends. Indulging your passions is a great way to escape stress and to open your mind to new ways of thinking. Things like playing music, reading, writing, painting, or even playing catch with your kids can help stimulate different modes of thought that can reap huge dividends over the coming week.

6. Spend quality time with family. Spending quality time with your family on the weekend is essential if you want to recharge and relax. Weekdays are so hectic that the entire week can fly by with little quality family time. Don’t let this bleed into your weekends. Take your kids to the park, take your spouse to his or her favorite restaurant, and go visit your parents. You’ll be glad you did.

7. Schedule micro-adventures. Buy tickets to a concert or play, or get reservations for that cool new hotel that just opened downtown. Instead of running on a treadmill, plan a hike. Try something you haven’t done before or perhaps something you haven’t done in a long time. Studies show that anticipating something good to come is a significant part of what makes the activity pleasurable. Knowing that you have something interesting planned for Saturday will not only be fun come Saturday, but it will significantly improve your mood throughout the week.

8. Wake up at the same time. It’s tempting to sleep in on the weekend to catch up on your sleep. Though it feels good temporarily, having an inconsistent wake-up time disturbs your circadian rhythm. Your body cycles through an elaborate series of sleep phases in order for you to wake up rested and refreshed. One of these phases involves preparing your mind to be awake and alert, which is why people often wake up just before their alarm clock goes off (the brain is trained and ready). When you sleep past your regular wake-up time on the weekend, you end up feeling groggy and tired. This isn’t just disruptive to your day off, it also makes you less productive on Monday because your brain isn’t ready to wake up at your regular time. If you need to catch up on sleep, just go to bed earlier.

9. Designate mornings as me time. It can be difficult to get time to yourself on the weekends, especially if you have family. Finding a way to engage in an activity you’re passionate about first thing in the morning can pay massive dividends in happiness and cleanliness of mind. It’s also a great way to perfect your circadian rhythm by forcing yourself to wake up at the same time you do on weekdays. Your mind achieves peak performance two-to-four hours after you wake up, so get up early to do something physical, and then sit down and engage in something mental while your mind is at its peak.

10. Prepare for the upcoming week. The weekend is a great time to spend a few moments planning your upcoming week. As little as 30 minutes of planning can yield significant gains in productivity and reduced stress. The week feels a lot more manageable when you go into it with a plan because all you have to focus on is execution.
Bringing It All Together
What do you do to make your week great? Please share your thoughts in the comments section, as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.

To Become A Successful Business Person; A Solid Daily Routine Is A Most

To Become A Successful Business Person; A Solid Daily Routine Is A Most
Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”
A life without a positive daily routine or structure is so much more draining mentally, physically, and emotionally than you can ever imagine!
The best routines, I’ve found, come at the start and end of the day — both your workday and your day in general.
That means, develop a routine for when you awake, for when you first start working, for when you finish your workday, and for the end of your evening.
Routines predetermine your schedule, allowing you to use your time efficiently. A routine is an investment.
Routine provides a sense of structure and familiarity. You wake up with a sense of ownership, order, and organization of your life.
It negates the need to regularly schedule your days ahead of time.

Mike Murdock said, “The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.”
You already know what you are doing each and every day. Once you are finished with a task, you already know what is next on your schedule.
You need a routine to establish and work on your priorities, limit procrastination and to keep track of your goals.
It lowers your reliance on willpower and motivation.
The act of automation increases efficiency in your life, by enabling you to do things without consciously thinking about it.
You will automatically get things done, without having to remind yourself to get things done.

Tynan, the author of “Superhuman by Habit,” says, habits are “action[s] that you take on a repeated basis with little or no required effort or thought.”
When you set up specific times for things to do, it’s far less likely you’ll push them off for later — especially once they become habit.
When you don’t have a routine, life just sort of happens to you. The day either gets wasted as you try to decide what to do, or you find yourself tangled up in the wants and needs of everybody else.

Take control of your life. Set some routines and learn to follow them.
Create regular and consistent daily patterns that will take you where you want to go in life.

Plan your schedule around your energy

Starting your day the same way can motivate you to get the ball rolling, even when you don’t feel like it.
You probably have a routine that works for you. If you don’t, here is a simple guide to help you make the most of your work day.
Make a list of what you need to get done every day of the week. In the beginning, nothing is too small. But make sure you write it down.
Now assess your energy levels. Think about when you do your best work.
Recognize your strengths and how your energy shifts throughout the day and plan your schedule accordingly.

Madeleine Dore of the BBC explains, “The key to being productive might be found in using that time effectively through embracing the slumps in our day — those moments when your productivity begins to ebb away, usually in the midmorning, directly after lunch or midafternoon.”

Set up a daily ritual

Not only do morning and evening routines allow you to do more, but, as with all rituals, they simply give your life more rhythm, texture, and pleasure.
The best possible starting point is to spend 10 minutes in the evening planning your next day.
Choose an activity that puts you in a positive mindset to start off the day and one that you’re able to commit to regularly.

Activities like getting good sleep, choosing to eat healthily, and exercising, should be non-negotiable. You can also make time to meditate, take breaks on purpose and have time for your family.
Studies have shown that regular exercise boosts alertness, energy, productivity, creativity, and mental focus.
Being an effective early riser changes everything for the rest of the day. A University of Leipzig study concluded that “morning people were more proactive than evening types.”
In a poll of 20 executives cited by Laura Vanderkam, a time-management expert and the author of “What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast,” 90% said they wake up before 6 a.m. on weekdays.
PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi, for example, wakes at 4 and is in the office no later than 7. Disney CEO Bob Iger gets up at 4:30 to read. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is up at 5:30 to go jogging.
To start your day right, you’ve got to have a morning routine that works and brings out the best in you. Make your mornings productive.
The quiet hours of the morning can be the ideal time to focus on an important work project without being interrupted.

Most people have greater energy for their most important work in the morning. You can do your essential tasks like writing, creative thinking, or problem-solving before noon.
Evenings are for planning and preparation for the next day. Write out a little schedule on what you need to accomplish the next day.
If you plan the night before, have a tight morning ritual and you know exactly what you need to do first thing in the morning without wasting time — you’re already ahead of 99% of people.

The 30-day challenge

The challenge most of us have is sticking to a healthy and productive routine. You can start with a 30-day challenge to develop the perfect routine that sticks.
Write it out on paper, along with your motivations, obstacles, and strategies for overcoming them.
Commit fully, in a public way, if you can.

Report on your progress each day.
Have support for when you falter — either in real life or online.
Reward every little success.

Adjust anything that is not working on a case-by-case basis. Then do an assessment after 30 days to see how your new routine is working for you.
If you fail, figure out what went wrong, plan for it, and try again.

Morning and evening routines can help you be much more productive and make the most out of life.
You don’t always have full control over your workday, but you do over these two-time slots.
You can use them to make sure the most important stuff gets done — from working out, to spending time with friends and family, to developing a side business, to reading and engaging in other hobbies.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Blockchain in plain unambiguous words

Unless you’re hiding under the rock, I am sure you’d have heard of Bitcoins and Blockchain. After all, they are the trending and media’s favorite topics these days — the buzzwords of the year. Even the people who’ve never mined a cryptocurrency or understand how it works, are talking about it. I have more non-technical friends than technical ones. They have been bugging me for weeks to explain this new buzzword to them. I guess there are thousands out there who feel the same. And when that happens, there comes a time to write something to which everyone can point the other lost souls to — that’s the purpose of this post — written in plain english that any regular internet user understands.

Blockchain: why do we even need something this complex?

“For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.” — H. L. Mencken
Unlike every other post on the internet, instead of first defining the Blockchain, we’ll understand the problem it solves.
Imagine, Joe is your best friend. He is traveling overseas, and on the fifth day of his vacation, he calls you and says, “Dude, I need some money. I have run out of it.”
You reply, “Sending some right away,” and hung up.
You then call your account manager at your bank and tell him, “Please transfer $1000 from my account to Joe’s account.”
Your account manager replies, “Yes, sir.”
He opens up the register, checks your account balance to see if you have enough balance to transfer $1000 to Joe. Because you’re a rich man, you have plenty; thus, he makes an entry in the register like the following:
Note: We’re not talking about computers only to keep things simple.
You call Joe and tell him, “I’ve transferred the money. Next time, you’d go to your bank, you can withdraw the $1000 that I have just transferred.”

What just happened? You and Joe both trusted the bank to manage your money. There was no real movement of physical bills to transfer the money. All that was needed was an entry in the register. Or more precisely, an entry in the register that neither you nor Joe controls or owns.
And that is the problem of the current systems.
To establish trust between ourselves, we depend on individual third-parties.
For years, we’ve depended on these middlemen to trust each other. You might ask, “what is the problem depending on them?”
The problem is that they are singular in number. If a chaos has to be injected in the society, all it requires is one person/organization to go corrupt, intentionally or unintentionally.
  • What if that register in which the transaction was logged gets burnt in a fire?
  • What if, by mistake, your account manager had written $1500 instead of $1000?
  • What if he did that on purpose?
For years, we have been putting all our eggs in one basket and that too in someone else’s.
Could there be a system where we can still transfer money without needing the bank?
To answer this question, we’ll need to drill down further and ask ourselves a better question (after all, only better questions lead to better answers).
Think about it for a second, what does transferring money means? Just an entry in the register. The better question would then be —
Is there a way to maintain the register among ourselves instead of someone else doing it for us?
Now, that is a question worth exploring. And the answer is what you might have already guessed. The blockchain is the answer to the profound question.
It is a method to maintain that register among ourselves instead of depending on someone else to do it for us.
Are you still with me? Good. Because now, when several questions have started popping in your mind, we will learn how this distributed register works.

Yes, but tell me, how does it work?

The requirement of this method is that there must be enough people who would like not to depend on a third-party. Only then this group can maintain the register on their own.
“It might make sense just to get some Bitcoin in case it catches on. If enough people think the same way, that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.” — Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009
How many are enough? At least three. For our example, we will assume ten individuals want to give up on banks or any third-party. Upon mutual agreement, they have details of each other’s accounts all the time — without knowing the other’s identity.

1. An Empty Folder

Everyone contains an empty folder with themselves to start with. As we’ll progress, all these ten individuals will keep adding pages to their currently empty folders. And this collection of pages will form the register that tracks the transactions.

2. When A Transaction Happens

Next, everyone in the network sits with a blank page and a pen in their hands. Everyone is ready to write any transaction that occurs within the system.
Now, if #2 wants to send $10 to #9.
To make the transaction, #2 shouts and tells everyone, “I want to transfer $10 to #9. So, everyone, please make a note of it on your pages.”
Everyone checks whether #2 has enough balance to transfer $10 to #9. If she has enough balance, everyone then makes a note of the transaction on their blank pages.
The transaction is then considered to be complete.

3. Transactions Continue Happening

As the time passes, more people in the network feel the need to transfer money to others. Whenever they want to make a transaction, they announce it to everyone else. As soon as a person listens to the announcement, (s)he writes it on his/her page.
This exercise continues until everyone runs out of space on the current page. Assuming a page has space to record ten transactions, as soon as the tenth transaction is made, everybody runs out of the space.
It’s time to put the page away in the folder and bring out a new page and repeat the process from the step 2 above.

4. Putting Away The Page

Before we put away the page in our folders, we need to seal it with a unique key that everyone in the network agrees upon. By sealing it, we will make sure that no one can make any changes to it once its copies have been put away in everyone’s folder — not today, not tomorrow and not even after a year. Once in the folder, it will always stay in the folder — sealed. Moreover, if everyone trusts the seal, everyone trusts the contents of the page. And this sealing of the page is the crux of this method.
[Jargon Box] It is called ‘mining’ on the page to secure it, but for the simplicity of it, we’ll keep calling it ‘sealing.’
Earlier the third-party/middleman gave us the trust that whatever they have written in the register will never be altered. In a distributed and decentralized system like ours, this seal will provide the trust instead.

Interesting! How do we seal the page then?

Before we learn how we can seal the page, we’ll know how the seal works, in general. And as a pre-requisite to it is learning about something that I like to call…

The Magic Machine

Imagine a machine surrounded by thick walls. If you send a box with something inside it from the left, it will spit out a box containing something else.
[Jargon Box] This machine is called ‘Hash Function,’ but we aren’t in a mood to be too technical. So, for today, these are ‘The Magic Machines.’
Suppose, you send the number 4 inside it from the left, we’d find that it spat out the following word on its right: ‘dcbea.’
How did it convert the number 4 to this word? No one knows. Moreover, it is an irreversible process. Given the word, ‘dcbea,’ it is impossible to tell what the machine was fed on the left. But every time you’d feed the number 4 to the machine, it will always spit out the same word, ‘dcbea.’
Given the word, ‘dcbea,’ it is impossible to tell what the machine was fed on the left. But every time you’d feed the number 4 to the machine, it will always spit out the same word, ‘dcbea.’
Let’s try sending in a different number. How about 26?
We got ‘94c8e’ this time. Interesting! So, the words can contain the numbers too.
What if I ask you the following question now:
“Can you tell me what should I send from the left side of the machine such that I get a word that starts with three leading zeroes from the right side of it? For example, 000ab or 00098 or 000fa or anything among the others.”
Think about the question for a moment.
I’ve told you the machine has a property that we cannot calculate what we must send from the left after we’re given the expected output on the right. With such a machine given to us, how can we answer the question I asked?
I can think of one method. Why not try every number in the universe one by one until we get a word that starts with three leading zeroes?
Being optimistic, after several thousand attempts, we’ll end up with a number that will yield the required output on the right.
It was extremely difficult to calculate the input given the output. But at the same time, it will always be incredibly easy to verify if the predicted input yields the required output. Remember that the machine spits out the same word for a number every time.
How difficult do you think the answer is if I give you a number, say 72533, and ask you the question, “Does this number, when fed into the machine, yields a word that starts with three leading zeroes?”
All you need to do is, throw the number in the machine and see what did you get on the right side of it. That’s it.
The most important property of such machines is that — “Given an output, it is extremely difficult to calculate the input, but given the input and the output, it is pretty easy to verify if the input leads to the output.”
We’ll remember this one property of the Magic Machines (or Hash Functions) through the rest of the post:
Given an output, it is extremely difficult to calculate the input, but given an input and output, it is pretty easy to verify if the input leads to the output.

How to use these machines to seal a page?

We’ll use this magic machine to generate a seal for our page. Like always, we’ll start with an imaginary situation.
Imagine I give you two boxes. The first box contains the number 20893. I, then, ask you, “Can you figure out a number that when added to the number in the first box and fed to the machine will give us a word that starts with three leading zeroes?”
This is a similar situation as we saw previously and we have learned that the only way to calculate such a number is by trying every number available in the entire universe.
After several thousand attempts, we’ll stumble upon a number, say 21191, which when added to 20893 (i.e. 21191 + 20893 = 42084) and fed to the machine, will yield a word that satisfies our requirements.
In such a case, this number, 21191 becomes the seal for the number 20893. Assume there is a page that bears the number 20893 written on it. To seal that page (i.e. no one can change the contents of it), we will put a badge labeled ‘21191’ on top of it. As soon as the sealing number (i.e. 21191) is stuck on the page, the page is sealed.
[Jargon Box] The sealing number is called ‘Proof Of Work,’ meaning that this number is the proof that efforts had been made to calculate it. We are good with calling it ‘sealing number’ for our purposes.
If anyone wants to verify whether the page was altered, all he would have to do is — add the contents of the page with the sealing number and feed to the magic machine. If the machine gives out a word with three leading zeroes, the contents were untouched. If the word that comes out doesn’t meet our requirements, we can throw away the page because its contents were compromised, and are of no use.
We’ll use a similar sealing mechanism to seal all our pages and eventually arrange them in our respective folders.

Finally, sealing our page…

To seal our page that contains the transactions of the network, we’ll need to figure out a number that when appended to the list of transactions and fed to the machine, we get a word that starts with three leading zeroes on the right.
Note: I have been using the phrase ‘word starting with three leading zeroes’ only as an example. It illustrates how Hashing Functions work. The real challenges are much more complicated than this.
Once that number is calculated after spending time and electricity on the machine, the page is sealed with that number. If ever, someone tries to change the contents of the page, the sealing number will allow anyone to verify the integrity of the page.
Now that we know about sealing the page, we will go back to the time when we had finished writing the tenth transaction on the page, and we ran out of space to write more.
As soon as everyone runs out of the page to write further transactions, they indulge in calculating the sealing number for the page so that it can be tucked away in the folder. Everyone in the network does the calculation. The first one in the network to figure out the sealing number announces it to everyone else.
Immediately on hearing the sealing number, everyone verifies if it yields the required output or not. If it does, everyone labels their pages with this number and put it away in their folders.
But what if for someone, say #7, the sealing number that was announced doesn’t yield the required output? Such cases are not unusual. The possible reasons for this could be:
  • He might have misheard the transactions that were announced in the network
  • He might have miswritten the transactions that were announced in the network
  • He might have tried to cheat or be dishonest when writing transactions, either to favor himself or someone else in the network
No matter what the reason is, #7 has only one choice — to discard his page and copy it from someone else so that he too can put it in the folder. Unless he doesn’t put his page in the folder, he cannot continue writing further transactions, thus, forbidding him to be part of the network.
Whatever sealing number the majority agrees upon, becomes the honest sealing number.
Then why does everyone spend resources doing the calculation when they know that someone else will calculate and announce it to them? Why not sit idle and wait for the announcement?
Great question. This is where the incentives come in the picture. Everyone who is the part of the Blockchain is eligible for rewards. The first one to calculate the sealing number gets rewarded with free money for his efforts (i.e. expended CPU power and electricity).
Simply imagine, if #5 calculates the sealing number of a page, he gets rewarded with some free money, say $1, that gets minted out of thin air. In other words, the account balance of #5 gets incremented with $1 without decreasing anyone else’s account balance.
That’s how Bitcoin got into existence. It was the first currency to be transacted on a Blockchain (i.e. distributed registers). And in return, to keep the efforts going on in the network, people were awarded Bitcoins.
When enough people possess Bitcoins, they grow in value, making other people wanting Bitcoins; making Bitcoins grow in value even further; making even more people wanting Bitcoins; making them grow in value even further; and so on.
The rewards make everyone keep working in the network.
And once everyone tucks away the page in their folders, they bring out a new blank page and repeat the whole process all over again — doing it forever.
[Jargon Box] Think of a single page as a Block of transactions and the folder as the Chain of pages (Blocks), therefore, turning it into a Blockchain.
And that, my friends, is how Blockchain works.

Except that there’s one tiny thing I didn’t tell you. Yet.
Imagine there are five pages in the folder already — all sealed with a sealing number. What if I go back to the second page and modify a transaction to favor myself? The sealing number will let anyone detect the inconsistency in the transactions, right? What if I go ahead and calculate a new sealing number too for the modified transactions and label the page with that instead?
To prevent this problem of someone going back and modifying a page (Block) as well as the sealing number, there’s a little twist to how a sealing number is calculated.

Protecting modifications to the sealing numbers

Remember how I told you that I had given you two boxes — one containing the number 20893 and another empty for you to calculate? In reality, to calculate the sealing number in a Blockchain, instead of two boxes, there are three — two pre-filled and one to be calculated.
And when the contents of all those three boxes are added and fed to the machine, the answer that comes out from the right side must satisfy the required conditions.
We already know that one box contains the list of transactions and one box will contain the sealing number. The third box contains the output of the magic machine for the previous page.
With this neat little trick, we have made sure that every page depends on its previous page. Therefore, if someone has to modify a historical page, he would also have to change the contents and the sealing number of all the pages after that, to keep the chain consistent.
If one individual, out of the ten we imagined in the beginning, tries to cheat and modify the contents of the Blockchain (the folder containing the pages with the list of transactions), he would have to adjust several pages and also calculate the new sealing numbers for all those pages. We know how difficult it is to calculate the sealing numbers. Therefore, one dishonest guy in the network cannot beat the nine honest guys.
What will happen is, from the page the dishonest guy tries to cheat, he would be creating another chain in the network, but that chain would never be able to catch up with the honest chain — simply because one guy’s efforts and speed cannot beat cumulative efforts and speed of nine. Hence, guaranteeing that the longest chain in a network is the honest chain.
Longest chain is the honest chain.
When I told you that one dishonest guy cannot beat nine honest guys, did it ring any bell in your head?

What if, instead of one, six guys turn dishonest?

In that case, the protocol will fall flat on its face. And it is known as “51% Attack”. If the majority of the individuals in the network decides to turn dishonest and cheat the rest of the network, the protocol will fail its purpose.
And that’s the only vulnerable reason why Blockchains might collapse if they ever will. Know that, it is unlikely to happen but we must all know the vulnerable points of the system. It is built on the assumption that the majority of a crowd is always honest.
And that, my friends, is all there is about Blockchains. If you ever find someone feeling left behind and wondering, “WTF is the Blockchain?” you know where you can point them to.


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