What I learnt about successful people
What I learnt about successful
people prompted me to take a moment to reflect upon how they had gotten to this
point, and the lessons I learnt along the way about what it really takes to
achieve success. Here’s what I realized:
Your career progression is not limited by your background or education
It was reported that some of the
most successful entrepreneurs’ like Bill Gate founder of Microsoft and Mark Zuckerberg founder of Facebook and many other successful entrepreneur are either
college or university dropouts. Then I realized
a degree isn’t all what is required to lead anyone down the right career path. Mark
Zuckerberg and Bill Gates have no A-levels, and before starting a career in his
Facebook and Microsoft respectively.
So, to be candid, when it comes to
career success, your background doesn’t need to matter, neither does your
education. What matters more is your potential, your ability to recognize that
potential, and your level of proactivity in finding out how to really fulfill
Success comes as a result of hard work and effort
In any walk of life, if you want to
become successful, you have to be prepared to work hard for it. This sounds
obvious, and everybody believe this in theory, but not everyone is willing to
practice it. A wise man once said
success is no accident, it is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying,
sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do that
guarantee success.
You will be guaranteed a success
without a doubt if you put in an extra effort if you put in an extra hours and
effort to research, learn, practice and be sure to maintain those routine of
going an extra mile to get the required result. With this your carrier will
never lose momentum and you will grow from strength to strength. When you put a
lot of hard work into one goal and you achieve it, that’s a really good feeling
because you don’t get anything in life without hard work!
Knowledge is power (and breeds success)
I you a part of the category of
people that didn’t take much interest in politics, business or current events,
and as a result you have limited knowledge of the world around you. You wouldn’t
be able to contribute to conversations, and you wouldn’t be able to form or
express opinions and you will lack confidence in communicating.
Therefore, to become successful in a
business environment, you need to gain knowledge of the world around you,
especially within your field or industry. It’s simple – read the news daily,
check out relevant blogs on social media and pick up industry magazines. Make
this a habit.
An even simpler but incredibly
effective approach towards building your knowledge is to always be inquisitive
and ask lots of questions – you’ll soon learn what you need to know, and it
will stick. Your inquisitive mind shouldn’t ever be discouraged, no matter how
senior you get. Remember – true experts always learn.
Successful individuals lift people up instead of stepping on them to get to the
Research shows that most influential
managers are the most amazing role model when it came to leading people and
developing a positive culture. They made their employee feel good about themselves;
they make work fun and had faith in everybody’s abilities. And the less
influential managers are the complete opposite – they ruled with fear and spent
most of their time trying to catch people out for doing the wrong thing
Great managers are the ones that
always support and develop their employee. They know that having good people
beneath them who feel motivated, positive and empowered to do their jobs, and
do their jobs well, makes their lives easier and contributes to the organizations’
on-going success. As a result, they try to do the same-encouraging, motivating
and developing their team members. This makes for a more productive, fruitful
and positive working environment. It also means that they can continue to
progress and take on more responsibility.
Success is a journey – celebrate the wins and more will follow
Successful people have goals and
ambitions. They have clear ideas of what they want and where they want to be,
and they have a plan on how to get there. They dream big and set goals along
the way, and they always celebrate when they reach these milestones.
If you want to be successful,
imagine what you want to achieve, consider how you’ll get there and set
yourself realistic and measurable goals. Don’t lose track of the end goal, but
be mindful that you won’t get there overnight. Be patient.
Successful people ask themselves “what’s next?” but not at the expense of recognizing
where they are and what they’ve achieved
If you’ve been guilty in the past of being
promoted and immediately thinking to yourself “right, what’s next?” Whilst
there’s nothing wrong with being ambitious, you can recognize that this kind of
thinking can result in you placing too much pressure on yourself, meaning you
don’t always celebrate or give yourself credit for your most recent
achievement. Just like in professional sport, you need to give yourself some
time to recover before you start working towards your next goal.
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